Disablity Grants For Childrens

Disability benefits for children is a boon for families who cannot afford to take care of their disabled child, due to their low incomes levels. The following article will tell you about the disability benefits that are madDisabilities in children could range from conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy or Down Syndrome. So also, children might fall in the category of 'At Risk' which includes pre-term, emotional and behavioral problems. These problems lead to a distinct lack of stimulation in them, which can affect their overall growth and development.

These conditions are not confined to medical problems alone but could also include behavioral and learning disorders.e available and the eligibility procedures for the same. Apply Your Grants Today!!

It is generally difficult to get disability benefits for children. This is because the primary criteria and the conditions of the child on which these benefits are sought may change. For example if a child has an attack of asthma, it will hamper his growth and development. This will prevent him from participating in the normal day-to-day activities like other children (making him applicable for the disability benefits). When such a child applies for a SSI (Supplemental Security Insurance) disability procedure, the severity of the attack might be high at that point of time. But by the time it comes to the hearing stage, the grimness of the situation might have lessened or the child may have responded positively to medication. However, if the disabilities are something like Autism then that leaves no room for doubt.

It is generally misconstrued that there are no programs that cater to the needs of disabled children. This is not true. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers two programs that work towards providing benefits to these children with disabilities. The programs are Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI).

Conditions for a Grant for Disabled Children

The conditions on which these disability benefits for children are granted are varied.


The Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) has certain set income limits. In order for your child to be applicable for the disability benefits, the family income should not be more than $2000 on the whole. For this the SSI will take into account the family income, the bank account savings, other assets like properties, etc. If the total income is seen to exceed $ 2000 then the child is considered ineligible.

The payments to the disabled children are made on a monthly basis. These payments continue till the time the child turns eighteen. After which they are discontinued under the children's disability program because then the policy is evaluated under the adult listing category. The amount of payment depends on the family income.

A child is considered disabled if his condition is such that he cannot involve himself in age appropriate activities like playing, etc. It therefore confines his functionality. This condition should last for a minimum of 1 year or should be expected to lead to death.

Prior to a hearing for availing disability benefits for children, the attorney will gather copies of a child's IEPs (Intensive English Program), achievement and testing reports, grade reports and fill out questionnaires from the child's teachers.

Reviewing Conditions
The condition of the child is reviewed by the Social Security Administration (SSA) every 3 years. This is done in cases when the child's condition is expected to improve. Thus reviewing becomes necessary because if the child's condition improves then he would no longer be applicable for the same.

Adult Status
The Social Security Administration reviews the condition of the child when he officially becomes an adult (18 years). If the child is still considered disabled, then adult SSDI benefits will be continued to be given. In that case all the benefits applicable in case of 'Adult SSDI benefits' shall apply. For example, these benefits are given to those who have been regularly paying the social security taxes and have become disabled recently.

Other Conditions
A child may also get these benefits if his parents were receiving the disability benefits and have died. These are called 'adult child' benefits. These benefits are given to those who have become disabled before they turned 22, thus being unable to build a work record. In such a case, where the parents have been paying social security taxes, the SSA grants these benefits as an insurance coverage for those services. It is considered as a child's benefit because it is paid as a part of the parents social security taxes.

When a child becomes eligible to receive SSI benefits he will be automatically enrolled for the Medicaid program of your state. This program will help you to make payments and afford the prescription medicines and/or other medical expenses involved. One can also see if there is a possibility to qualify for food stamps, which will go a long way in helping one out.

Disability benefits for children is definitely a great help for families who have disabled children. Knowing that there are programs and grants which are drawn out to help such children is a comforting feeling for people who have to suffer through the pain.

By Rujuta Borkar

source - buzzle.com/articles/disability-benefits-for-children.html

Monday, 28 May 2012

Both sides of Minority Grants

Green Jobs effort continues

Obama and many other government officials are pushing for business to go green and are making more "green jobs" available. The jobs are being sourced towards helping out the minorities in less-fortunate communities and plan to help both the surrounding environment, economy and community will thrive as a result. Unfortunately, there is a small interest seeming to be found amongst these communities, which is why the government has been instituting grants in to make the deal seem more enticing. Though they don't have a great interest in the issue, it doesn't mean that they don't care. It is more so attributed to the fact that no one or anything has spurred the interest and living urban and suburban cities doesn't allow for many encounters with nature. These grants will give them both a reason to learn and all the resources to obtaining green jobs that they can take with them to any job. Even though there aren't a great amount of business with "green jobs", but with the direction our president is heading us, newer generations might take it on as a top priority.
“This is the sleeper civil and economic issue of the 21st century,” said Wade Henderson, president and CEO of the Leadership Conference for Civil Rights. “And it’s the first real opportunity for the African-American community to be involved in a transformative effort that is shaping our economy and the global economy as well. “The issue is not green jobs; the issue is any job,” Henderson told the audience. “In times of famine, there is no bad bread. Our community is in a crisis and employment of any kind, but especially employment in an emerging economy is important.”

HUD out of luck

The Housing and Urban Development Program is known for its efforts to renovate/build houses to green standards in minority communities by providing all kinds of grants, but they have other subsidiaries that also carry out those tasks, such as ACORN(Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) who receive their funds from HUD. This is set to change as the Senate had an amendment passed due to suspected fraudulent activities. The issue on hand is that two filmmakers are believed to had dressed as a pimp and an associate obtaining information on how to use a mortgage to start a brothel and how to evade the IRS. The question at hand is,"Who is at fault?". The employees that had given out the information were fired, but why did the suspected filmmakers go inside in the first place. Well unfortunately, there is no answer to that question, but it was speculated that the filmmakers were inspired by special interests. When it comes down to it, it is hard to see how the Senate can regulate who the funding goes to, but there is a slew of guidelines that are regulated by the federal government that they must follow, even though they are giving out grants.
In a statement on his Senate Web site, Johanns said," The amendment’s passage was a bipartisan move to stop tax dollars from supporting fraudulent organizations and activities."

Visit >>>http://grantsdisabled.blogspot.com/

Tag: both sides of minority grant, disability grant, how to apply the grant

Source: hubpages

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